Jeffers Learning Resources Center - Checkout Policies

Checkout Policies

Only current students, faculty, and staff in the College of Education & Human Sciences may checkout technology items from the JLRC, but anyone may use the resources within the confines of the library.

  • The AV Permit Form is an online-only form for College of Education & Human Sciences Students requesting to check-out equipment.

    Please allow at least one (1) day for processing before checking out the AV items.
    You will be notified by email when your application has been approved.
    NOTE: You MUST complete this form EVERY SEMESTER, in order to check-out equipment from the JLRC.

  • JLRC Library Checkout Policies


    • The JLRC has iMac desktop computers which are connected to the JLRC printer.

    Checkout Duration for JLRC Items

    PRAXIS, MAT, ACT, and ALL other items on RESERVE: One week Check Out; these items can be renewed upon request and approval by the JLRC librarian.

    Technology: Checkout durations differ, please see the equipment list below; these items can be renewed upon request and approval of the JLRC librarian.

    JLRC Technology

    ALL OTHER ITEMS: books, easy books, fiction and non-fiction books, assistive technology, etc., are a two-week check out; these items may be renewed unless a hold or reservation has been placed on the item by another patron.

    The JLRC's AV Equipment is available for College of Education & Human Sciences students to check UPON completing the AV Permit Form. The Permit Form MUST BE SUBMITTED EVERY SEMESTER.

  • Overdue Items Policies

    Overdue notices for standard items (those with a 2-week check out period) will be sent out daily via email.

    • Any patron receiving an overdue notice will have a chance to respond to 3 successive emails before fines are processed and a hold is placed on his/her account.
    • Patrons may renew overdue items by responding to an Overdue Notice email, calling the JLRC, renewing in person, or by logging on to the JLRC Online Catalog.

    AV equipment and JLRC Reserve items, fines will accrue following a one-day grace period.

    • Notification of fines will be sent via email.
    • AV equipment and JLRC Reserve items can be renewed upon request and approval by the JLRC librarian.

    Failure to receive notification of overdue items does not absolve a borrower of library fine obligations.

    Fines on standard and JLRC Reserve items will accrue as follows:

    $2.00 flat rate per item plus $0.20 per item per day, up to a maximum of $10.00 per item.

    • Example: 4 items, 8 days overdue results in a $3.60 fine per item or a total fine of $14.40.

    For AV equipment, fines will accrue as follows:

    $10.00 flat rate per item plus $1.00 per item per day up to a maximum of $50.00 per item.

    • Example: 2 items, 3 days overdue results in a $13.00 fine per item or a total fine of $26.00.

Jeffers Learning Resources Center
Bartoo Hall, Rm. 213
Campus Box 5044

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