English - Professional and Technical Communication Concentration

Professional and Technical Communication Concentration

The Professional and Technical Communication (PTC) concentration provides graduate students with a strong theoretical background to pursue research in workplace writing and communication, as well as practical expertise in analyzing, creating, and revising genres in technical writing fields. The concentration provides additional education and training for students who are preparing for careers within the field of PTC, including the fields of Engineering, Business, Nursing, and Law that require facility with technical and scientific communication skills in business environments. Graduate students whose primary major is in the sciences would also benefit from the complementary communication and research strategies learned. Students seeking to pursue a Ph.D. will find this M.A. concentration to be a useful foundation.

We offer the portfolio option for the PTC M.A. 



Core (12 credit hours)

  • ENGL 6000 
  • One 6000-level course in Literature
  • ENGL 6740
  • PC 6060

Content Courses in Professional and Technical Communication (9 total credit hours)

  • PC 6030 
  • PC 6040 
  • PC 6050

Portfolio Hours (9 credit hours)

  • One section of ENGL 6890
  • One section of PC 6850 (Internship)
  • One additional graduate-level elective to be selected by student and advisor (unless on a Graduate Assistantship, then ENGL 1010 is required)


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