

Faculty Academy for Course & Program Development

Faculty Academy for Course and Program Development

Academic Affairs is pleased to announce a new grant-funded opportunity available through a newly established faculty academy. The Academy for Course and Program Development will infuse faculty development with best practices in instructional design support to assist faculty, departments, and colleges, with rapid course and program development and delivery to ensure course quality and optimal student engagement. The Center for Advancing Excellence (CAFE) and the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) will facilitate the Academy.  

This inaugural call for proposal took place in Spring 2023. This grant seeks diverse and innovative efforts in online course and program design that supports student engagement and retention. While all proposal submissions will be considered, priority consideration for 2023 was given to proposals that expand educational access to diverse student populations and enhance program capacity through online delivery of courses, content, or programs. Alignment with one of the following areas of emphasis was suggested (although not all-inclusive): 

  • Course or Program Transition to Online Modality 
  • Integration of Educational Technology 
  • Lab-based or Practicum-based Courses 
  • New Online Course or Program Development 
  • Online Graduate Certificates 
  • Online General Education Courses

2023-2024 Grant Recipients 


  • November 21—Call & Intent to submit opens 
  • November 30, December 12, and January 9—Informational Sessions  
  • Dec. 1— Jan 31— Application Distribution (Based on Received Intent to Submit)
  • January 31—Intent to Submit Closing Date  
  • February 21—Completed Proposals Due  
  • March 21—Notification of Proposal Decision
  • April 1—Faculty Confirmation of Academy Acceptance and Departmental Approvals  
  • April 17—Program Orientation  
  • Summer 2023 (May through August): Professional Development | Pacing Guides Outlined | Course Development  
  • Fall 2023— First opportunity for course delivery*or course development for Spring 2024 course delivery 
  • Spring 2024—Second opportunity for course delivery*

*Substantive course syllabi changes or changes to course or program delivery method will follow necessary approvals by Departments, Colleges, UCC, GSEC, and Academic Council, respectively. And, where indicated, THEC, SACSCOC, and NC-SARA. 

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