


  • General Budget Training

    This training gives a big picture overview of the university budget where the following topics are discussed: University budget cycles, the Budget Office timeline, revenues and expenses, budget monitoring, the budget revision form, budget guidelines, etc. This training is the only budget training required for signature authority on budget revisions.

  • Budget Banner Screen Training

    This training focuses specifically on helpful Banner screens frequently used for budgeting purposes. 



  • Budget Shadow System Training

    This training focuses specifically on our Shadow System Template that is available for reconciliation purposes. 

  • Position Control Budget Training

    This training focuses specifically on topics related to position control including: A position control policy overview, new position set ups, personnel action forms, budget revisions for permanent positions, how to verify permanent position funding, stipends, university-wide bonuses, longevity, release time, lapsed salary, reallocations, encumbrances, and Banner ePrint reports.

For more information regarding the Budget Office training sessions above, please contact Emalee Hamblen at

Budget Office

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