Army ROTC - Scholarships


Scholarship Information

The Golden Eagle Battalion (GEB) provides university and U.S. Army Cadet Command (USACC) scholarship opportunities!

University Scholarship Opportunities!

Students enrolling in ROTC classes, meeting the HOPE scholarship requirements, plus ROTC eligibility requirements, may apply via Scholar Web for the TNTECH-Military Science Scholarship.  The scholarship is renewable up to 60 hours.  Additionally, a student enrolled in ROTC classes and meeting the ROTC eligibility requirements, may apply for a Housing scholarship, as well as several others. Each scholarship is worth up to $1000 per semester.

NOTE: The TNTECH-Military Science Scholarship, as well as the Housing scholarship, does not obligate the student to serve or commit to serve - both are enrollment & retention incentives to enroll and complete the ROTC program.

National Army ROTC Scholarships!

Army ROTC Scholarship recipients (4 year, 3 year, 2.5 year, or 2 year) can select either 100% of Tuition and Fees or $5,000.00 for Room and Board per semester. National scholarship recipients also receive a $1,200 annual book stipend. Scholarship benefits are awarded on top of any other scholarships or financial aid the Cadet earns.

Note: All contracted Cadets (non-scholarship/scholarship) receive a $420 monthly ROTC stipend.

Rising High School seniors may apply for a (USACC) Army ROTC scholarship the summer following the completion of their junior year, starting mid June.  The scholarship window will remain open for applications until the 10th of January.

To learn more information or to get started on the application for a National Army Scholarship - go to

Graduating seniors failing to make the January 10th deadline and current TECH students may initiate a campus based application by contacting the Enrollment & Recruiting officer, in the Army ROTC department. 


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