Center for Global Experiences - International Friends

International Friends


The International Friends (IF) host family program connects international students with local host families with the aim of opening the doors to cultural understanding and fresh perspectives through communication and friendship. International Friends is not a home stay program. Students live on campus or in their own apartment or house and visit their host families for special events and occasions. Our aim is a cultural exchange so that students can learn about American customs and receive help in getting familiar with Cookeville and surrounding areas and for the families to learn about other cultures and countries. Host families can meet with the students as often as is convenient and comfortable for both the host and the student. A monthly activity is requested. Whenever possible, students should be included in special celebrations.

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Events This Year Include

  • AUGUST: ICE CREAM PARTY to welcome the new international students
  • OCTOBER: INTERNATIONAL HAY FEVER- food, games and line dancing
  • JANUARY: HOT CHOCOLATE & CIDER MIXER to welcome the new international students
  • APRIL: 

If you would like to participate in this program, please fill out the applicable applications:

For more information, contact Dr. Amy Miller   


international profile

if group

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