Space Reservation - Space Approvers



Space Approvers for Faculty & Staff

The university has a variety of venues available for faculty and staff to reserve for departmental meetings, events, and conferences. Browse the list of approved spaces below and submit a reservation request online for your preferred date and location.

Student space reservations are handled by Student Engagement,
Non-affiliated free-speech reservations are approved by Dean of Students,

Building Coursedog Building Space Approvers
Academic Wellness Center Jennifer Goad
Agriculture Pavillion Anessa Tosh, Lisa Rice
Alumni Hall Erin Knight
Athletic Performance Center Mark Wilson
Bartoo Hall Oliva Newman
Bell Hall McKenzie Raab, Heather Padgett, Savannah Tucker
Brown Hall - Electrical & Computer Engineering Julie Mountain, Trish Atkins
Brown Hall - Mechanical Engineering Lisa Meadows, Marilyn Borch-Jensen
Bruner Hall - Computer Science Emily Disbrow
Bruner Hall - Physics Tyler Schrichte
Bruner Hall - Mathematics Robin Huff
Bruner Hall Rm 318 & 319  Rachel Engelhardt
Bryan Fine Arts Michelle O'Neil, Lee Bledose
Bush Stadium(Baseball) Mark Wilson
Clement Hall/Prescott 215  - Basic Engineering Claire McMillian
Craft Center Patrick Faustino
Derryberry Hall Auditorium  Susan Henry
East Stadium(Football) Mark Wilson
Foundation Hall - College of Business Rene Watson,  Cindy Gates, Deborah Yu
Foundation Hall - Communications & Marketing  Irene Sullivan
Henderson Hall Amy Foster
Hooper Eblen Center Mark Wilson
Kittrell Hall Ashley Living
Lab Science Commons Lisa Norsworthy, Tammy Martorana
Matthews/Daniel Hall Elizabeth Nolan
Memorial Gym Jennifer Goad, Sue Earls
Oakley Hall Lisa Rice, Cheyenne Lewis
Outdoor Venue Susan Henry
Pennebaker Hall Sherry Harris-Brown
Practice Field Mark Wilson
Prescott Hall  - College of Engineering  Brooke Parrish, Melanie Hutcherson
Prescott Hall - Civil & Environmental Engineering Donna Walls
President's Office Aleta Cannon
Ray Morris Hall Christina Hatley, Carlos Galindo
Roaden University - Communication Eva Dingwall
Roaden University Center Susan Henry
Southwest Hall Irene Mauk, Joni Gilmore, Dylcia Cowan
Stonecipher Lecture Hall Lisa Norsworthy, Tammy Martorana
Tech Soccer Field Mark Wilson
Tech Softball Field Mark Wilson
Tech Tennis Mark Wilson
TJ Farr Olivia Newman
Track Field Mark Wilson
Tucker Stadium Mark Wilson
Volpe Library  Linda White
Water Center Sandy Dodson, Michelle Holm
West Stadium(Football) Mark Wilson

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