Registrar's Office - Grades

Registrar's Office

Grades & Accessing Final Grades

Accessing Your Grades via Eagle Online

Students may view and/or print a copy of their semester grades in Eagle Online via their TechExpress () portal by clicking on the Eagle icon (see image below).

Image of Eagle Icon Link in TechEXpress

Once you're logged into Eagle Online, click on the "Student" tab. Next, click on the link "Student Records". Then, locate the link "Final Grades". You will then select the semester you would like to access your final grades for using the dropdown list and then click "Submit".

Note: Instructors have a set date each semester that final grades must be entered into Eagle Online. These dates are provided within the University's Academic Calendar (/academics/calendar.php). Students may check their Eagle Online account for their final grades to be posted, as necessary, leading up to and after the date mentioned above.

The University's Grading Scale

On September 1, 1951, the University adopted a 4.0 quality point scale, changing from the 3.0 scale grading system.

Grades are indicated by letters as follows: 

A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Passing
F Failure
FA Failure, attendance
I Incomplete*
IF Incomplete, (calculated as an F)
NF Fail, Never Attended
P Pass*
AU Audit*
X Absent from Examination
W Withdrew passing*
S Satisfactory*
U Unsatisfactory
CU Co-Op Unsatisfactory*
SP Thesis (satisfactory progress)*
NP Theses (no progress)*

Exchange program*

*Grades with an asterisk are not calculated in the Grade Point Average (GPA). 

Grades with "." after the letter are either unauthorized repeats or academic fresh start. And, those grades are no longer counted in the GPA.
