Registrar's Office - Academic Standing

Registrar's Office

Academic Standing

Warning & Probation

Eagle Online displays your academic record including your cumulative and your semester quality point average and the  contains information on the  requirements. 

If you are on Academic Warning, you should make an appointment with your advisor to discuss your academic progress at once to determine ways in which you might avoid probation or suspension. You may want to consider repeating a course, changing your course load, work load or major. The Center for Counseling and Mental Health Wellness provides workshops on study skills designed to help you succeed in the university environment.

Who to Contact if You are Placed on Warning or Probation:
Students should contact their academic advisor to learn more about their current academic standing and steps needed to achieve "Good Standing" status. Keep scrolling to view specific departmental contact links to assist you with making that contact. 


If you were previously on academic probation, and did not meet the necessary GPA requirement, your Academic Standing will be updated to Suspension and your classes will be purged. The system will not allow you to re-register after your classes are purged due to your Academic Standing. 

A student may appeal the suspension by completing the Readmission after Suspension application process prior to the term she/he might ordinarily be readmitted after the suspension is completed.  Readmission after Suspension is not automatic, and you must apply and complete the application process through the Admissions Office. For more information regarding the Readmission after Suspension process, or to determine if you should instead reapply depending on the length of time since you last attended, please refer to the full readmission process of the Admissions Office. Additionally, the complete policy and procedures are available in the . 

Who to Contact if You are Placed on Suspension:
If you are placed on Suspension and need to discuss your next steps with someone simply click on the department of your major in the list below!
