Planning and Finance

Planning and Finance

Planning & Finance is one of six major divisions within the University. We are responsible for administering the University's annual operating budget in excess of $100 million, managing employee services and benefits and serving as the University's liaison for the and operations. We also oversee the maintenance and upkeep of the main campus consisting of 235 acres and eighty-seven buildings. The major areas within our division are Facilities and Business Services, Financial Services, Human Resource Services, Environmental Services, and .

The mission of this division is to:

  • provide an accessible, pleasant and safe environment
    for students, faculty and staff;
  • protect the fiscal soundness of the University;
  • provide management and oversight of employment
    services and benefits; and
  • provide quality auxiliary services to the campus

Vice President for Planning & Finance, Dr. Claire Stinson and her staff welcome you to our site and our University. We hope the information contained within these pages will be helpful to you. If you have suggestions for site improvement or can't find the information you are seeking, please contact us.

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