iLearn User Roles

iLearn User Roles

There are multiple types of roles in the iLearn system. By default students are a Banner_Student and Faculty and Staff are Banner_Instructor. Below is a list of the types of roles that can be added to a course by request.

TA-Grader, TA-Content and Mentor roles can be added to the course by the Instructor. 

To add a TA-Full, Incomplete student or Co-Instructor,

  • Banner_Instructor Role

    This role is the default role for all instructors that are listed in Banner as teaching a course. 

    • This role requires that a person take the initial iLearn: Introduction to the Learning Environment workshop to get access to your courses.
    • If an instructor is listed in Banner and it is marked to use iLearn, this user will automatically be added to the class in iLearn.
    • This role has administrative and manage access to all tools and admin areas of a course. They can edit any tool (includes content, quizzes, assignments, grades, etc.) and manage the entire course. 
    • When requesting a Co-Instructor, they will be added as this role. The person must have completed the required training before they will get access.

  • Banner_Student Role

    This role is the default role for all students taking courses.

    • This role has access to all tools setup in the course by the instructor. The ability to view content and other information, upload files and such to assignment folders, take quizzes and use other tools instructors setup. This role only has access to their own information and course data like grades.
    • This role should be enrolled automatically and is not an option when using the Add TA, incomplete student, mentor or other non-student form.

  • Teaching Assistant Role

    • TA-Grader - only has edit/manage access to the assessment areas of a course such as assignments, discussions, quizzes and grades. They cannot add/edit new items in these tools, only enter grades and feedback for these areas. All other tools are visible, but the access level is only that of a basic student role with viewing or in communication tools, the ability to communicate with those in the course. 
    • TA-Content - only has access to add Content to the course in the Content area. This role has no access to assessment areas. All other tools are visible, but the access level is only that of a basic student role with viewing or in communication tools, the ability to communicate with those in the course. 
    • TA-Full - REQUIRES TRAINING - This role has administrative and manage access, similar to an instructor role, to all tools and admin areas of a course. They can edit any tool (includes content, quizzes, assignments, grades, etc.) and manage the entire course.

  • Mentor Role

    This role has access to the course as a basic user who can see the tools available. They cannot participate in the assessment tools, but can view the course content, resources and news and can use the communication tools to help those students in the course. 

  • Incomplete Student Role

    This role allows a student to access a course from a current or previous semester to complete the course and get a grade. It has the same access as a Banner_Student role.