Institutional Assessment
Completing the Objectives Selection Form
The Objectives Selection Form can be accessed from your Faculty Dashboard () and should be completed for each of your courses. If you fail to complete the form, every student learning outcome will be selected as "Important," and your scores will likely be lower than if you took the time to complete the form.
As a general rule, select no more than 3-5 objectives as Important or Essential. Think about the following questions:
1. Is this objective a significant part of my course curriculum?
2. Do I give students opportunities to receive feedback and demonstrate growth (e.g., multiple opportunities to get better)?
3. Is accomplishment of the objective important enough to contribute to their final grade?
If the answer to all 3 questions is yes, select an objective as important; if an objective is so critical to the curriculum that the learning process has failed were students not able to achieve it, select the objective as essential.