

Courses Requiring Admission to the Teacher Education Program (TEP)

To enroll in the courses listed below students ARE REQUIRED to be fully admitted/accepted into the TEP.

A consistent set of criteria for all licensure programs has been set to determine which upper division professional education courses should require admission to the TEP as a pre-requisite for registration.

Upper Division Course Criteria

1. All subject areas at the undergraduate and graduate level are required to have a minimum of one course that requires full admission to the Teacher Education Program as a pre-requisite to taking the course. 

2. All courses that contain a field experience/practicum/clinical placement (except for introductory courses required for admission to the program such as AGED 2120, ARED 2020, MUED 1820, FOED 1820, and FOED 2011) must require full admission to the Teacher Education Program as a pre-requisite to taking the course.

3. Methods courses at the undergraduate and graduate level must require full admission to the Teacher Education Program as a pre-requisite to taking the course.

Courses by Subject Area

  • AGED: Agriculture

    AGED 4110 Methods of Teaching Agriscience
    AGED 4200 Methods & Techniques of Teaching in Agri & Extension Edu
    AGED 5200 Methods & Techniques of Teaching in Agri & Extension Edu

  • ART & ARED: Art Education

    ARED 3155 Elementary Practicum
    ARED 3165 Secondary Practicum
    ART 3205 Methods & Media

  • CFS: Child & Family Studies

    CFS 3600 Family, Community, & Professional Partnerships

  • CSED: Computer Science Education

    CSED 3010 Programming Fundamentals & Computational Thinking for Educators

    CSED 3020 Computer Science Concepts for Teachers

    CSED 3030 Computer Science Instructional Methods

    CSED 6010 Programming Fundamentals and Computational Thinking for Educators

  • CUED:  Curriculum Education

    CUED 4120 Materials & Methods for Teaching Speech & Theater
    CUED 4150 Middle Level Curriculum
    CUED 4700 Educational Data & Assessment
    CUED 5120 Materials & Methods for Teaching Speech & Theater
    CUED 6800 Field Experience

  • ECED: Early Childhood Education

    ECED 3211 Procedures for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers
    ECED 3301 Math, Science, & Social Studies for the Young Child
    ECED 3310 Concepts for Young Children
    ECED 4000 Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Birth-Preschool
    ECED 4100 Developmentally Appropriate Practices: K-4
    ECED 4221 Early Intervention Field Experience
    ECED 4300 Assessment of Young Children
    ECED 5300 Assessment of Young Children

  • ECSP: Early Childhood Special Education

    ECSP 3001 Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers
    ECSP 3211 Procedures for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers
    ECSP 4000 Developmentally Appropriate Practices: Birth-Preschool
    ECSP 4100 Developmentally Appropriate Practices: K-4
    ECSP 4300 Assessment of Young Children
    ECSP 5300 Assessment of Young Children

  • EDPY: Educational Psychology

    EDPY 3300 Evaluation & Guidance

  • ELED: Elementary Education

    ELED 3140 Teaching of Social Studies
    ELED 3151 Teaching of Language Arts & Writing
    ELED 3152 Teaching of Mathematics
    ELED 4140 Science for Elementary Teachers
    ELED 4142 Teaching of Science
    ELED 4250 Language Arts & Communication Skills
    ELED 5250 Language Arts & Communication Skills

  • ESLP: English as a Second Language

    ESLP 4100 ESL Methodology & Materials for PreK-12
    ESLP 4200 ESL Assessment: Reading & Writing
    ESLP 4300 Field Experience in ESL
    ESLP 5100 ESL Methodology & Materials for PreK-12
    ESLP 5200 ESL Assessment: Reading/Writing
    ESLP 5300 Field Experience in ESL

  • EXPW: Exercise Science, Physical Education, & Wellness

    EXPW 3660 Curriculum in Physical Education
    EXPW 4711 Analysis & Development of Sport Skills
    EXPW 4712 Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education
    EXPW 4721 Methods of Elementary Movement
    EXPW 4722 Methods of Teaching Elementary Education
    EXPW 4731 Assessment in the Physical Education Classroom
    EXPW 4751 Secondary PE Practicum
    EXPW 4752 Elementary PE Practicum
    EXPW 4874 Professional Seminar I
    EXPW 6100 Instruction in Physical Education

  • FOED: Foundations of Education

    FOED 3800 Field Experience in Education
    FOED 3810 Field Experience in Education
    FOED 3820 Field Experience in Education
    FOED 3830 Field Experience in Education
    FOED 3840 Field Experience in ESL

  • HEC: Human Ecology

    HEC 3812 Practicum in Family & Consumer Sciences
    HEC 3805 Materials & Methods in Consumer Science

  • MUS & MUED: Music Education

    MUED 3110 Materials & Methods in Music: Grades K-5
    MUED 3130 Materials & Methods in Instrumental Music: Grades 6-12
    MUED 3140 Materials & Methods in Vocal Music: Grades 6-12
    MUED 3230 Marching Band Techniques
    MUS 3530 Music Applications

  • READ: Reading

    READ 3311 Literacy I
    READ 3312 Literacy II: Middle School Reading Program
    READ 3313 Literacy for Special Populations
    READ 4411 Reading/Writing Connection: Secondary                      
    READ 5411 Reading/Writing Connection: Secondary                      
    READ 6200 Foundations of Literacy
    READ 6360 Literacy for Diverse Populations
    READ 6800 Practicum Experience in Literacy
    READ 7500 Leadership in Literacy Education
    READ 7800 Practicum Experience in Literacy

  • SEED: Secondary Education

    SEED 4120 Materials & Methods of Teaching English
    SEED 4122 Materials & Methods of Teaching Mathematics
    SEED 4123 Materials & Methods of Teaching Sciences
    SEED 4124 Materials & Methods of Teaching Social Studies
    SEED 4125 Materials & Methods of Teaching Foreign Language
    SEED 5120 Materials & Methods of Teaching English
    SEED 5122 Materials & Methods of Teaching Mathematics
    SEED 5123 Materials & Methods of Teaching Sciences
    SEED 5124 Materials & Methods of Teaching Social Studies
    SEED 5125 Materials & Methods of Teaching Foreign Language

  • SPED: Special Education

    SPED 3000 Teaching Persons with Disabilities in the Regular Classroom
    SPED 3020 Characteristics & Needs of Persons with Comprehensive Disabilities
    SPED 3030 The Education of Persons with Learning Disabilities
    SPED 3031 Physical Management & Support Services for Orthopedic, Motor & Health Impaired
    SPED 3050 Universal Design for Special Education
    SPED 3110 Behavior Concepts
    SPED 3120 Interventions & Supports
    SPED 4030 Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers
    SPED 4100 Collaboration & Inclusive Practice
    SPED 4110 Behavioral Assessment
    SPED 4120 Topics in Behavior
    SPED 4130 Methods for Teaching Persons with Mild & Moderate Disabilities
    SPED 4170 Community Residency/Practicum I
    SPED 4180 Community Residency/Practicum II
    SPED 4200 Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    SPED 4340 Systematic Instruction of Persons with Comprehensive Disabilities
    SPED 5130/7130 Methods for Teaching Persons with Mild & Moderate Disabilities
    SPED 5200 Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    SPED 5340/7340 Systematic Instruction of Persons with Comprehensive Disabilities


  • Residency & Student Teaching for All Areas

    Student Teaching- 4870, 4880, 4890, 6880
    Residency I- 4871, 4872
    Residency II- 4881, 4882



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