Robby Sanders, Ph.D.

Contact Information


Robby  Sanders, Ph.D.


Interim Chair for Chemical Engineering and Associate Professor


Chemical Engineering

Email Address:


(931) 372-3494


Prescott Hall (PRSC) 308

  • Biomolecular medicine, including bioassay development
  • Drug delivery and barriers to gene therapy
  • Wound healing
  • Engineering education
  • Micro-fluidics and lab-on-a-chip applications for clinical diagnostics


  • Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 2001
  • M.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, 1998
  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 麻豆果冻传媒nological University, 1995

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Professor Award from the 麻豆果冻传媒 Chapter of Omega Chi Epsilon (the National Honor Society for Chemical Engineering), 2013
  • Nominated for and attended ASEE Chemical Engineering division summer school, 2012
  • Faculty Productivity Award from the 麻豆果冻传媒 College of Engineering, 2012
  • TTU Faculty Research Initiation Grant Recipient, 2012
  • TTU Quality Enhancement Proposal Award Recipient, 2012

Research Statement

The Biomolecular Medicine Laboratory (The BML) at 麻豆果冻传媒nological University is a new, rapidly growing research laboratory under the direction of Dr. J. Robby Sanders. The lab (located in Prescott Hall, Room 401) is equipped with a multitude of instrumentation including a UV/VIS spectrophotometer, electrophoresis systems, a UVP BioDocIt gel imaging system, a microfluidics workstation, an inverted microscope, cell culture facilities, a chemical fume hood, pipettes, and other related items. The lab promotes an active learning and research productive atmosphere where one is encouraged to ask questions and work collaboratively. Research focus areas for the lab involve the use and development of bioassays and related methods for: 1) Development of Point-of-Care Clinical Diagnostics and New Therapeutics, particularly with respect to alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency; 2) Environmental Diagnostics and Proteomics; and 3) Development of new wound healing models.


Most Recent

  • Mbachu, C. P., R. Sanders, and P. E. Arce. Role of Collaboration in Enhancing Creativity and Innovation in Engineering Education: Examples from Fluid Mechanics and Biotransport Courses. October 2011 (Free Forum on Chemical Engineering Education during the AIChE Annual Meeting).
  • Golbayani, P., K. T. Seale, R. Sanders, and P. E. Arce. Morphological Effects on the Electrostatic Potential in a Divergent and Convergent Channel for Microfluidic Applications. October 2011 (Poster Session for the American Electrophoresis Society during the AIChE Annual Meeting).
  • Golbayani, P., K. T. Seale, R. Sanders, and P. Arce. Role of Channel Morphology in Microfluidic Applications: Impact on the Behavior of the Electrostatic Potential for an Idealized Case. November 2010 (Poster Session for the American Electrophoresis Society during the AIChE Annual Meeting).

Other Select

  • Stashenko, G. J., A. Robichaux, Y. C. (Gary) Lee, J. R. Sanders, R. J. Roselli, R. W. Light. Pleural fluid exchange in rabbits. Respirology. 12(4):495-499, 2007.
  • Sanders, R., C. Carter, S. Webb, N. Farsinejad, L. Sealy, K. Brigham, and A. Stecenko. Tag-team genes for preferential generation of prostacyclin. Am J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 169(7):A289, 2004 (Abstract).
  • Mudumba, S., D. Deshpande, R. Sanders, R. Parker, C. Carter, S. Webb, M. Tan, E. Gabatan, J. A. Schuster, D. C. Cipolla, S. J. Farr, and K. Brigham. Non-viral delivery of COX-1 gene by the AERx庐 pulmonary delivery system. Respiratory Drug Delivery IX. Vol. 2:353-356, 2004.
  • Sanders, J. R., N. A. Pou, and R. J. Roselli. Neutral and DEAE dextrans as tracers for assessing pulmonary microvascular barrier permeability and integrity. J. Appl. Physiol. 93(1):251-62, 2002.