

Daniel Badoe, Ph.D.

Daniel Badoe


Daniel  Badoe, Ph.D.




Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email Address:



(931) 372-3490


Prescott Hall (PRSC) 434

Research Interests

Modelling of passenger travel demand in metropolitan regions, transportation planning, urban public transit demand modelling, transferability analysis of regional passenger travel demand models, travel behavior analysis, analysis of transport-land use interaction, and transportation data collection.


  • Ph.D. Civil Engineering (1994), University of Toronto, Canada.
  • M.Sc.E Civil Engineering (1988), University of New Brunswick, Canada.
  • B.Sc. Civil Engineering (First Class Honours) (1984), University of Science and Technology, Ghana

Selected Publications and Conference Presentations

  • Edwards, M., Badoe, D.A., and Lee, D. (2018). Comparison of Two Short Period Traffic Count Duration/Cycle Specifications in the Accuracy of their Predictions of Annual Average Daily Traffic at Coverage Stations. Presented at the 97th Annual Transportation Research Board Conference, January 7 – 11, 2018, Washington, DC
  • Badoe, D. A. and A. A. Biney (2017), Receipt of Travel Survey Advance-Letter and its Impact on Reported Trips and Phone-Calls for Survey Completion in Telephone-Surveys. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Volume 143, Issue 2
  • Mwakalonge, J. and Badoe, D.A. (2014) Trip Generation Modeling using Data Collected in Single and Repeated Cross-sectional Surveys. Journal of Advanced Transportation, Volume 48, Issue 4, June 2014, pp. 318-331
  • Ivey, S.S., Badoe, D.A., and Edwards, S. (2012) National Household Travel Survey Add-On Program: Experience of Stakeholders and Best Practices for Maximizing Program Benefits. Transportation Research Record No. 2291: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, pp. 102 – 110
  • Badoe, D.A. and Mwakalonge, J. (2011), Estimating Household Trip-rates for CrossClassification Cells with No Data: Alternative Methods and their Performance in Prediction of Travel. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development Volume 137, No. 3, September 2011, pp. 262-271
  • Badoe, D.A. and Yendeti, M.K. (2007), Impact of Transit Pass Ownership on Daily Number of Trips Made by Urban Public Transit, ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development Volume 133, no. 4, December 2007, pp. 1 - 8
  • Badoe D.A. (2007), Forecasting Travel Demand with Alternatively Structured Models of Trip Frequency. Transportation Planning and Technology Journal, Volume 30 Number 5, pp. 455 – 475 8. Couch K.L. and D.A. Badoe (2007), Travel Behavior of University Students in the Weekday Journey to Campus and its Implications for Campus Transport Planning. Presented at the 86th Annual Transportation Research Board Conference, Washington D.C., January 2007