Dr. Krystal Kennedy
Dr. Krystal Kennedy
Assistant Professor
Curriculum & Instruction
Email Address:
(931) 372-3105
T.J. Farr Building, Rm. 307B, BOX 5074
Applied behavior analysis • Autism • Positive behavior supports • School bus interventions • Single-case design
Krystal Kennedy, Ph.D., BCBA has worked as an educator, mentor, and board certified behavior analyst (BCBA). She is the BACB Verified Course Sequence coordinator for the applied behavior analysis master’s and Exceptional Learning PhD concentration. Her research interests include school bus behavior management practices, positive behavior supports, and classroom behavior analytic applications. She holds active memberships with the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Council for Exceptional Children, and Tennessee Association for Behavior Analysis. Currently, Kennedy teaches courses in applied behavior analysis and special education.