David Mann

Contact Information


David  Mann


Assistant Professor


Exercise Science

Email Address:



(931) 372-3795


Memorial Gym, Rm. 154 / Campus Box 5043


Dr. Mann began a teaching career at TTU in 2017 after serving faculty roles as department chair, associate professor of health and human performance, and graduate assistant at Delta State University, Darton State College, and Albany State University.

He also had a successful career of 16 years in intercollegiate athletics at DSU and Darton as a soccer coach, a cross country coach, and finally a director of sports information.

Currently, Dr. Mann works with K-12 licensure candidates as an edTPA coach, leads a number of student organizations, and teaches Motor Learning, Methods of Teaching Secondary P.E., and Assessment for Physical Educators to undergraduate students. He also teaches a number of graduate courses, including Applied Motor Learning and Development, Adapted Physical Education and Sport, and Behavioral Aspects of Physical Activity.

Degrees and Certifications

  • PhD, Teacher Education - Exercise Science, Columbus State University
  • MS, Physical Education, Delta State University