Amy Callender
Amy Callender
Assistant Professor
Curriculum & Instruction
Email Address:
(931) 372-3550
T.J. Farr Building, Rm. 307C, BOX 5074
Educational & medical journey for families of children with disabilities • Functional skills instruction in the school setting & inclusion practices for students with moderate to severe disabilities • Education for individuals with disabilities in other countries • Transition & employment services for adults with disabilities
As a previous P-12 special education teacher and school psychologist, Amy Callender now teaches preservice special education and general education teachers. Her research interests include functional skills instruction for students with moderate to severe disabilities, ways to better include all individuals in schools and society, and the journey of families of children who are differently abled.
Callender is also the Co-Project Investigator for the Milestones Program serving children age birth to three (3) years and their families in partnership with Tennessee’s Early Intervention System (TEIS).