Stacy Brown
Stacy Brown
Senior Lecturer
Email Address:
(931) 372-3619
Bruner 226
I am a Lecturer in the Mathematics Department. I have a background in mathematics and mechanical engineering. I love teaching! It is a joy to watch students learn and I cannot imagine a more rewarding career. My favorite hobby is reading. I have set a goal of reading at least one book per month. I alternate between fiction and non-fiction. I am married to Bill who is an TTU Electrical Engineering alumni and we have a daughter who is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Computer Science from TTU. When we are not working, you will find us engaged in various DIY projects around our home. It seems there is always a new opportunity for home improvement. We have two yorkies who boss us around. Their names are Yoda and Chewbacca. As you might guess, I am a huge Star Wars fan.