Lauren Michel
Lauren Michel

Contact Information


Dr. Lauren  Michel


Assistant Professor


Earth Sciences, Box 5062

Email Address:


(931) 372-3188


Kittrell Hall 105


Dr. Michel teaches Global Climate Change, Paleoclimates, Stable Isotope Geochemistry and Physical Geology. Her research interests involve reconstructing climate in the rock record from paleosols (fossil soils) and studying modern soils for their deep-time application.

PhD Baylor University, 2014; MS Southern Methodist University, 2009; BS The George Washington University, 2006

Recent Senior Thesis Projects

  • Sedimentologic and Petrologic Analysis of the Chinle Formation in Colorado, Dillon Preston, 2021
  • Reconstructing the Late Mississippian Paleoclimate: Stratigraphy and XRD analysis of the Pennington Formation, Sparta, Tennessee, Jace Bolix, 2020

Recent Publications (* denotes student author)

Michel, L.A., Lehmann, T., McNulty, K.P., Driese, S.G., Dunsworth, H., Fox, D.L., Harcourt-Smith, E.H., Jenkins, K. and D.J. Peppe, 2020, Sedimentological and palaeoenvironmental study from Waregi Hill in the Hiwegi Formation (early Miocene) on Rusinga Island, Lake Victoria, Kenya, Sedimentology, v. 67, 3567-3594.

McNulty, K.P., Lehmann, T., Michel, L.A., Jenkins, K.E., and D.J. Peppe, 2020, New discoveries from Rusinga Island's Kiahera Formation, with implications for catarrhine phylogeography, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, v. 171. 

Chan, R.L.*, Michel, L., Tabor, N.J., Mileson, M.E., Hillis, K.R.*, and H.E. Blaylock*, 2018, Paleoenvironmental reconstructions from the Pennsylvanian-Permian Abo and Bursum Formations in New Mexico using stable isotopic geochemistry of paleosols, GSA Abstract.