Evan Hart
Evan Hart

Contact Information


Dr. Evan  Hart




Earth Sciences, Box 5062

Email Address:



(931) 372-3516


Kittrell Hall 217


Dr. Hart teaches courses in Geomorphology, Water Resources, Natural Hazards, and Weather and Climate.  His research interests include the hydrology of floods, fluvial geomorphology, and natural hazards. 

B.A. 1991 Mary Washington College; M.S. 1996 Virginia Tech; Ph.D. 2000 Univ. of Tennessee

Recent Publications    (* denotes student author)

Hart, E.A., 2019.  Dating and interpretation of recent clastic sediments in an urban cave.  Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, accepted, in press.

*Gardner R., Hart E., Sutherland C. 2018.  Delineation of a Major Karst Basin with Multiple Input Points, Roaring River, Tennessee. In: White W., Herman J., Herman E., Rutigliano M. (eds) Karst Groundwater Contamination and Public Health. Advances in Karst Science. Springer, Cham.

Hart, E.A., Mills, H.H, and Li, P.  2017.  Measuring erosion rates on exposed limestone residuum using erosion pins: a ten-year record.  Physical Geography, 38:6.

Hart, E.A., Stapor, F.W., Novoa, J.E., and *Sutherland, C.J. 2016.  Progradation of a Beach Ridge Plain Between 5000 and 4000 years BP Inferred from Luminescence Dating, Coquimbo Bay, Chile.  Journal of Coastal Research.