Jaime Williams
Jaime Williams
Assistant Professor
Decision Sciences and Management
Email Address:
(931) 372-3870
Foundation Hall (FNDH) 225-2 / Box 5022
Dr. Jaime Williams is an Assistant Professor of Business Management in department of Decision Sciences and Management. After working for seven years in the automotive industry, she went back to school to better understand 鈥淲hy do people do what they do?鈥 She currently teaches courses on Human Resource Management and Training and Development but, has experience teaching Staffing, Organizational Behavior, and Principles of Management, as well. Her main research interests focus on implicit personality traits derived from conditional reasoning and what relationships these individual differences have regarding perceptions of abusive supervision, workplace deviance, organizational citizenship behaviors, and performance. Her secondary research interest focuses on shareholder activism and diversity. Her work has been published in Gender in Management: An International Journal and presented at the Academy of Management (AOM), Southern Management Association (SMA), and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) annual conferences. She is an active member of the Upper Cumberland Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) chapter, AOM, SMA, and SIOP. In her spare time, Dr. Williams enjoys traveling as much and as widely as possible.