

Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning

March 2024

Crafting Your Course with iLearn Templates  
CITL Instructional Designers
March 5, 2024

Join the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for Crafting Your Courses with iLearn Templates. By importing and customizing pre-designed templates in iLearn, you can provide students with a consistent, engaging learning experience. In this session, we will display pre-made templates you can import into your courses, discuss different ways they engage learners, and show you how to import them into your courses. These templates are great for fully online, hybrid, and tech-enhanced courses. 

Authentic Assessment 
CITL Instructional Designers
March 26, 2024 

Join us as we navigate the principles and practices of authentic assessment in education. We will explore strategies for designing assessments aligned with real-world tasks and promoting student growth. 

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