Cybersecurity Education, Research & Outreach Center - Getting Started in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Education, Research & Outreach Center

Getting Started in Cybersecurity

All levels:

Generally valuable resources regardless of educational level.

  •  - A great community dedicated to providing a variety of resources which suit everyone from beginners to experts

Beginning/Middle School:

The resources in this section are a good starting point for those just getting started in computer science/cyber security

  •  - Free course that provides an introduction to cybersecurity
  •  - A free book focused around the history of bits and the impact of computer science in our world
  •  - A small, fun game that teaches the basic types of cyber attacks
  •  - Games and beginning coding/computer science tutorials
  •  - Free, open source lessons for cyber security training.
  •  - Awesome resource for learning HTML, CSS, Javascript, and other web development skills
  •  - National Youth Cyber Education Program

Intermediate/High School:

This section is for those who already know some about cybersecurity, and want delve deeper into the subject

  •  -  A first person MMORPG where hacking is encouraged and necessary (you will need to run your own server for this to work unfortunately)
  •  - A series of lessons that teach good ethics and common practices in cybersecurity
  •  - Want to stay up to date with what's happening in the security world? Bookmark some of these and read up
  •  - Offers a variety of resources for cyber security students
  •  - Similar to the Khan Academy, dedicated to sharing training information.
  •  - Some good general security papers
  •  - Security books in a multitude of subjects
  •  - IT professional knowledge repository
  •  - The Open Web Application Security Project, contains massive resources on most attack types and security risks
  • - A concise compilation of free online resources to help teach and learn cybersecurity


This section is for knowledgeable users who wish to truly get involved in security and develop career skills

  • - Hacking challenges for all skill levels and multiple different skillsets
  • - A comprehensive guide for the Certified Ethical Hacker exam
  • - Hacking challenges and learning resources
  • - Metasploit is one of the most widely used attack platforms out there, it is important to become familiar with it.
  • - An exploitable linux virtual machine. Use this or another VM for all testing. Do not attack real machines without explicit permission!
  • - Learn all about social engineering
  • - A good primer for the tcpdump tool (used for network analysis)
  • - One site that allows you to register and compete in public capture the flag competitions

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