Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) - Online Readiness Form

Online Readiness Form

Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance

Tennessee State University Nashville, TN

Online Readiness Self Reflection
Before enrolling in an online course, you should first assess your readiness for stepping into the online l learning environment. Your answers to the following questions will help you determine what you need to do to succeed at online learning.

I am good at setting goals and deadlines for myself.
I am good at meeting my goals and deadlines.
I am taking an online orientation, so that I can better my skillset of online courses for future college classes.
I do not quit when things become difficult.
I can keep myself on time and on track.
I can learn from things that I hear, like lectures, audio recordings, videos, or podcasts.
I learn best when I can figure things out for myself.
I can learn in a group, but I can learn on my own as well.
I am willing to send e-mails or have discussions over the internet with other classmates.
I am comfortable with having video discussions (via ZOOM) with my classmates.
I can ignore distractions around me when I am studying.
I am willing to spend up to 30 hours in one week on scheduled, orientation ZOOM meetings. Side note: This time frame is dependent on the orientation schedule.
I have an accessible laptop /computer/tablet/phone, webcam, and microphone that is available for my use.
I am comfortable with using a computer/tablet/phone to upload documents and to communicate with others.
I can access the internet with a fairly fast, reliable internet connection such as DSL or a cable modem.
I am willing to spend time on my computer/tablet/laptop on different occasions, throughout the week.
I plan my work in advance so that I can turn my assignments in on time.
I have access to a printer.
I am willing to use various kinds of virtual learning components to ask questions and to respond to the instructor.
I am willing to try and will ask the instructor for help when needed

Taking an online orientation via video chat uses different online components that require certain technological features: a webcam, a microphone, and a laptop/computer. Please check yes or no on the following statements.

1. I have a working laptop/computer/ tablet,/phone that is accessible to me at all times.
2. I have a webcam on my laptop/computer, tablet/phone OR a portable webcam that is available for my use at all times.
3. I have a microphone on my laptop/computer/tablet/phone OR a portable webcam that is available for my use at all times.
4. I have internet access that is available for my use at all times.

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