Banking and Financial Services Certificate
The certificate aims to serve professionals in all areas of banking, including but not limited to bank management, financial services management and marketing, commercial lending and basic risk assessment, and derivative products. The certificate will also provide fundamental knowledge in data analytics and cyber management. This certificate requires 12 credit hours of coursework, consisting of...
Core Courses
- » FIN 6920 — Banking and Financial Services — 3 Credit Hours
This course is an interactive seminar designed to study and discuss critical issues facing the financial services industry. Topics include the economic, regulatory, competitive environment and the wide range of services provided by today’s banking institutions. The course will address economic policy, globalization, investment and commercial banking, insurance, pension plans, risk management, and technology. Financial analysis and leadership issues will also be addressed in course lectures, online discussions, and within the context of the competitive and interactive Stanford Bank Simulation.
- » MKT 6510 — Services Marketing — 3 Credit Hours
This course will focus on service organizations and services marketing issues to make students aware of the unique challenges involved in marketing and managing organizations in sectors such as finance, health care, entertainment, hospitality, professional services, retailing, education and transportation. Specific topics will include learning and developing strategies for real life business cases to close potential service gaps such as customer, knowledge, service development/design, performance, and communication gaps that have negative impact on service performance and quality perceptions of customers about the service offering.
Plus, choose two courses from the following (up to 6 hours of Graduate Banking School credit may be substituted for any two courses):
Course Options
- » ACCT 5300 — Financial Statement Analysis — 3 Credit Hours
Prerequisite: Permission from Instructor and Graduate Director. An advanced course covering advanced topics in accounting. Graduate credit will require meeting all of the criteria for the corresponding cross-listed 4000-level course, plus additional requirements established by the instructor.
- » DS 6540 — Network Security — 3 Credit Hours
Introduces students to the concepts of telecommunications, wide and local area networks, and other state-of-the-art communications technologies.
- » DS 6570 — Cyber Security Mgmt. — 3 Credit Hours
The objective of this course is to provide students with a solid foundation and best practices for policy, governance, risk management and compliance with respect to an organization’s information technology and resources.