

Emergency Preparedness - Fire

Fire Prevention

If You Encounter a Fire or Smoke remember to:


  • Rescue anyone in immediate danger (if safe to do so).
  • Alert/Alarm others and pull the closest fire alarm. Call 9-1-1 ASAP from a safe place.
  • Confine the fire by closing doors to help slow the spread of fire and smoke. 
  • Extinguish/Evacuate.
    • Do not use the elevator.
    • Close all doors behind you as you leave.
    • Evacuate to your building assembly point (located at least 200 feet away from the building). 
    • Assist others needing help evacuating. Those who are unable to traverse stairs, direct them to a fire rated stairwell if present. Notify first responders to their location. 
    • Do not re-enter the building until emergency responders have given the all-clear.
  • For a small fire, try to extinguish it.

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher:

  • Pull the pin at the top of the extinguisher.
  • Aim the hose at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the metal handle.
  • Sweep the hose from side to side at the base of the fire.

Should You Extinguish a Fire?

  • Do NOT use an extinguisher if:
    • You are not comfortable putting out the fire. Heavy smoke is filling the room or it is difficult to breathe.
    • Your escape route could be blocked.
    • The fire is large or spreading rapidly (larger than a trashcan).
    • The fire is partially hidden behind a wall or ceiling.
    • There are hazardous materials (flammable liquids) present.
  • If the above listed conditions exist, close any doors present and evacuate instead.