Office of Sponsored Programs - Find Funding

Office of Sponsored Programs

Find Funding

Funding Resources

Funding Opportunities

Please note:  Grant applications must follow Research & Economic Development protocols.  An Intent to Submit must be completed, and the Proposal Endorsement Form must be routed to our office to receive permission to submit. 

Please note that the six U.S. EDA "American Rescue Act" Notices of Funding Opportunity have now been published and can be found on the website under the "All Department of Commerce Grants" search function. 

I.     EDA-HDQ-ARPGJ-2021-2006964 FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Good Jobs
II.    EDA-HDQ-ARPBB-2021-2006976 FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Build Back Better
       Regional Challenge
III.   EDA-2021-ARPAEAA FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Economic Adjustment
       Assistance Notice of Funding Opportunity
IV.    EDA-HDQ-ARPRN-2021-2006986 FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Statewide
       Planning, Research, and Networks
V.     EDA-2021-ARPATOURISM  FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Travel, Tourism, and
       Outdoor Recreation Notice of Funding Opportunity
FY 2021 American Rescue Plan Act Indigenous   
       Communities Notice of Funding Opportunity

For more information, contact:
Lucas Z. Blankenship
Economic Development Representative
State of Tennessee
U.S. Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration
Office:  (404) 730-3010
Cell:  (615) 736-1423

  • NSF Weekly Update

  • The purpose of the Solar Energy Innovators Program is to enable selected applicants to conduct practical research on innovative solutions to the challenges faced by electric utilities, energy service providers, and electric public utility commissions as the levels of solar energy, as well as other distributed energy resources (DERs), increase on the electrical grid.  Please see the link above for more information.  

  • Call for Rapid Access Proposals for COVID-19 Research Using Neutron Scattering Resources ()

    With the continuing spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Energy Basic Energy Sciences neutron sources will provide remote rapid access to support research into the COVID-19 virus and the search for effective diagnostics and therapies. Beamlines that will be made available at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, include neutron macromolecular crystallography, small angle scattering, reflectometry, spectroscopy and imaging beamlines.

    Researchers who would like to use these resources should submit a short rapid access proposal, outlining experiment aims and scope, at . A facility scientist will contact you regarding your proposal within 2 days. Scientific and technical questions should be sent to Dean Myles at

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