

Research & Economic Development

Faculty Research Committee


View Committee Members


Internal Research Grant Program Handbook (Revised January 2022)


Contact Research & Economic Development (research@tntech.edu) for requests to view minutes of the Faculty Research Committee.


Faculty Research Grants

Faculty Research Committee Grant Guidelines for 2023-24

Deadline for applications is February 23, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. 
Applications for 2023-24 funding must be submitted by email to jdicey@tntech.edu or delivered to Derryberry 305. DocuSign will not be used contrary to the guidelines in the handbook.

Final Reports due: October 3, 2025

Previous Winners

Application Materials

Summary of Previous Assistance Received


2023-2024 Award Period

Committee Schedule
Date/Time Activity
March 4, 2024 Reviewers assigned
April 15, 2024 Committee reviews proposals
Grant Schedule
Date Description
February 23, 2024 Deadline to submit proposals to Research & Economic Development via email to jdicey@tntech.edu or in person to Derryberry Hall, Room 305
April 22, 2024 Notifications/award letters sent to faculty
October 3, 2025 Final reports due to Research & Economic Development

2023-2024 Members

Name Classification Campus Box No.  Phone Email  Term Expires
Mr. Kevin Liska Faculty  5103   kliska@tntech.edu 2024
Dr. Matt Smith Faculty (Curriculum and Instruction) 5045 6235 mrsmith@tntech.edu 2026
Dr. Allen Driggers Faculty 5064   edriggers@tntech.edu 2026
Dr. (Syed) Rafay Hasan Faculty 5004   shasan@tntech.edu 2026
Dr. Joshua Hauser Faculty (Music) 5045 6086 jhauser@tntech.edu 2026
Dr. Brad Cook Faculty (Biology) 5063 3194 sbcook@tntech.edu 2026
Dr. Rufaro Chitiyo Faculty (Human Ecology) 5035 6847 rchitiyo@tntech.edu 2025
Dr. Ann Hellman Faculty (Nursing) 5001 6813 ahellman@tntech.edu 2025
Dr. Stephen Canfield Faculty (Mechanical Engineering) 5014 6359 scanfield@tntech.edu  2025
Dr. John Liu Nonvoting Executive Officer to Provide Staff Support Services 5036 3897 johnliu@tntech.edu (No Exp.)
Non-voting Resource Person Mr. Greg Holt, Compliance Office  5037 6062 gholt@tntech.edu  


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