Student Job Portal - Approved for Hire

Approved for Hire

When you have been approved to work you will receive an email from with the subject "Regarding recent hire request." The email will contain the details of the hire request, including the supervisor's name and email address. Please reach out to the supervisor directly if you have any questions before accepting the job.

You will need to accept the hire request offer before you are officially hired.

You also have the option to decline the offer.  If you receive more than one offer for the same job, you must decline whichever offer(s) you do not accept.  This will notify the supervisor for that job that you are no longer interested and they can offer it to another student.

To accept or decline a job offer, navigate to My Dashboard.

Click the Accept/Decline link to review the job details and accept or decline the job offer.

accept or decline offer screen

After you have accepted a job, your supervisor should be in touch with you soon regarding scheduling and expectations. However, you are also welcome to contact the supervisor directly with any questions.


Work Schedule

Once you have accepted a position, you will need to determine your work schedule (the hours you are available to work during the week that does not include scheduled class time.)  You will need to email that to your supervisor and copy

Please note: Under no circumstances is a student permitted to work during scheduled class periods. If the student's class ends early or is cancelled, the student cannot report to work until the scheduled class time has ended. Failure to obey this Federal guideline can result in termination from the FWS Program.

Once you have begun working, you will need to begin entering your time on your time sheet.


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