

Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning

Small Group Instructional Diagnostic 

Small Group Instructional Diagnostic (SGID) is a simple and straightforward evaluation process that uses structured small group discussions among students in a class to provide confidential feedback to an instructor, generally around the midpoint of a term.The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning conducts SGID Evaluations during the Fall and Spring semesters. 

Book your Fall 2024 SGID below. 

SGID at a Glance

Watch the video below to learn more about our SGID process. 

Spring 2024 Summary 

The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning conducted 23 SGID sessions with participation from 15 faculty members from 5 colleges. Through the use of individual and whole group surveys, 485 students shared their voices, creating space for learner agency and collaboration between faculty and students. 

graphic of SGIDs from Spring 2024

Booking for Fall 2024

Fall 2024 SGIDs will take place

  • October 7-11 
  • October 14-16 

Please contact the CITL with questions at citl@tntech.edu

Frequently Asked Questions 



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